Tuesday, October 18, 2011

*UPDATE* It's Getting HOT In Here!!!

PhotobucketRemember back in June when I did the "It's Getting HOT In Here" post? I am proud to say it works and it works very, very well. I mixed about an 1/8 of a cup of the chili pepper oil into about 1 cup of unscented lotion and got busy rubbing it on my shoulder. I got the same results (if not better?) than what I would have gotten from a vastly more expensive tube of rub I could have bought at the store. Grand total this DIY recipe was VERY inexpensive. I paid about $3.00 grand total. That's for the lotion AND the chili peppers.

Please keep in mind however, for those of you with sensitive skin, that a little goes a LONG way. And if you happen to add to much of the capsaicin oil, you can always add more lotion to tone it down. Capsaicin is STRONG and WILL burn your skin.


About PnP

I started The Peasant and the Pea as a way to categorize all of the handy little DIY recipes I've come up with and found over the years. V came on board with me and she is just as crazy about making her own stuff as I am. We both firmly believe that everyone can afford to save some money in this day and time, and we hope that by posting these quick little tips, tricks and recipes, that we may just save someone a couple of bucks. We sincerely hope you enjoy our posts and we always love to hear feedback, suggestions or just a comment saying hi. We are always looking for new tips, tricks and recipes as well, so if you have one you want to see posted, shoot us an email. Also, if you have something you'd like to try but would rather someone else be the guinea pig, shoot us an email. We don't mind being test subjects. :)

Thanks for stopping by,
Rey and V

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