Doing Those Dreaded Dishes
I will be the first to admit, I HATE DOING DISHES. I hate doing them with an unbridled passion. And unfortunately in this household I AM the dishwasher, as well as the dish dryer and the dish putter upper. (Yep, I make up words as I go along, it makes things more interesting and that way I don't have to worry about finding just the right word. :-p) I'm not sure if my hatred of doing the dishes stems from having to do them every day as a child or what but there it is for what it's worth.
On top of hating to do the dishes, I am a dish detergent snob. I just cannot use cheap dish detergent. I can't use the $.97 stuff from Wal-Mart, so this recipe is probably going to be one of the hardest for me to implement into my life and strike off my shopping list. But for the sake of saving a dime I'm darn sure gonna try.
I was cruising TipNut today and ran across a link to another blog with recipes for making your own dish soap. I figured it can't hurt to give it a try, and who knows, maybe I WILL like it and get away from that $4.00 bottle of Dawn I just have to have. (Or at least that is what I keep telling myself anyways.) The link for the recipes can be found here:
DIY Life - How To Make Your Own Dish Soap
I think I am going to use the third recipe in that list. I already have a nice little jar of soap bar leftovers sitting on my kitchen counter, so I've already got a jump start on the whole process. Every time the bar of soap from the shower (Yep, I make my own soap too.) gets to the point it starts breaking when we try to use it, into the jar it goes with a tiny bit of water. I also add the drips and drops of dish washing detergent, that is never quite enough to do a load of dishes, to the jar as well. At this point I could probably just add some more water and let it stew and end up with a nice batch of dish soap. Keep in mind while reading this post that I haven't yet tried this recipe, but I will gladly post my findings at a later date.
Ironing is my nemesis. And yes, that was my job as a child. Only had to do it on Saturday but in the days of cotton/wool clothing, two parents wearing uniforms and 3 kids changing clothes daily for six days...10 hours of ironing every Saturday. UGH...
Advice: if you ever live off base you will LOVE having a dishwasher!
I don't actually live on a base. :) V does but I"m currently in my parents camper in their back yard. LOL. So not a whole lot of room for a dishwasher at the moment. I"m not an ironer by any means. I firmly believe that is what the dryer is for. LOL. If the clothes are still wrinkled, dry them some more. :) Thanks for commenting btw. :)
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